So, since I'm sick, I've been doing a lot of reading (and lying around in semi-consciousness and sneezing my lungs to bits) and as I went through some articles on PsychologyToday I came across a lot of interesting ideas. For instance, creativity may be fueled by rejection. So, let me explain. Get a stereotypical image of high school and what do you see? Jocks and athletes to one side, sexy cheerleaders at hand. Average students clustered in groups, racially self-segregated to some extent. Outcasted "nerds" and misfits in another group, quieter than most. Artists and daydreamers and possibly drug-addicts in another group, just observing or thinking. The stereotypical image enforces the idea that creativity is brought on by rejection. Artists and 4-dimensional thinking drug addicts and daydreamers... all very creative individuals. But all outcasts. Nerds, geeks, and misfits... also creative. Also outcasts. Could it be because they are rejected, or vice versa, they are rejected because of it? Maybe both?

Other studies have been done on a different theory, more focused on the brain. According to some, creativity is a product of two usually separate brain networks working and functioning together. There's your "sleep" mode, like dreams, and your "awake" mode, when you're at work. And when they are together you get what? Daydreams! Or schizophrenia. The two brain networks don't usually work together, since it could compromise your perception of reality... but sometimes, they work fantastically and you get Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. Fascinating stuff. Now, if only I could be a bit more on the functional side....
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