Monday, March 12, 2012

He Said She Said

New topic: Bullying. Now, just about everybody has experienced and/or seen bullying. So, bullying can take on several forms. It can be physical, sexual or emotional harassment. And with all the technology around us, now it can be cyber too. Surely the media has made everybody aware of just how serious bullying can be, as there have been suicide outbreaks and even school shootouts.

Whether it be that girl in your class that nobody want to be friends with for some stupid reason. Or the boy that everybody else makes fun of because he is different. Or maybe someone posted something on your Facebook wall that was mean. Maybe a guy spreading a sext around the school after convincing a girl to agree to send it. Bullying is everywhere. It's almost hard to believe just how cruel we are to ourselves and the people around us.

I think bullying is serious. You never forget things like that. I was bullied. At first, I didn't really know why. I knew I was the "new kid" and I had entered that school in the last year, so everybody already had friends. But I didn't mind being alone and not having them. It would only be a year after all. So, why were they being mean? It's the kind of stuff that messes you up for life. If it's not because of what they did to you, it's because of what you do to yourself. If they're mean to you, you learn to be just as cruel to yourself. I wasn't bullied for long. One year of elementary school and two years of middle school. I left to Sumner Academy right after that, one year earlier and free.

But it still messes you up, nonetheless. To this day, I don't trust people and I still get paranoid sometimes. But this too shall pass, no?

But that's not the point. All of these things, the bullying, the school shootings, the suicides... all of it was 100% preventable. It didn't have to happen.

But it did.

So, if anybody ever bothers to read this, I hope they take that into consideration when... that girl has to sit in the back corner because nobody wants her to sit next to them... when they beat up that kid again because he likes dueling cards... when they laugh at that person again... or they call that chick a slut on Facebook or anywhere. Anything. Everything. Could have been prevented.

Are you going to stop it?

Or are you just going to watch?

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