Saturday, April 20, 2013

That "F@ck This Sh#t" Attitude

Saturday. If only I had slept in. I could really use a sleep-coma right about now. I have so much stuff to do I'm starting to get that "fuck this shit" attitude about everything. Kind of disappointing. I thought I'd have everything together now, but no. But whatever, right? The whole deal with the Boston Marathon bombing on Monday makes my issues pale in comparison, unfortunately. If only problems only got as bad as mine, then things wouldn't be so bad.

Some cool OBEY(R) print/thing.
It is really hard for me to grasp my mind around events like that. I can understand mental illness, but not violence due to religious issues. I know the US has had dark moments in the past, horrible atrocities and crimes, but I'd like to see what country doesn't. I'd like to see which country is doing so fucking well, where life is just some candy land fantasy. There's no such place. The US has made bad decisions, sure. Everybody has. The hate and misunderstanding of Americans is NO EXCUSE to kill. I don't get why people justify killing because they are different. Your Christian, I'm pagan, and you think I'm going to hell? So be it. I'm Catholic, your Christian, and I think your religion is an incomplete version of mines? So what? It shouldn't matter that damn much. There is no need to kill. Killing should ONLY be justified by survival, in defense of your own life. But you shouldn't just go kill everybody that doesn't think like you. Oh, you don't like the color blue? SHOOT. Oh, you like Justin Bieber? SHOOT. Oh, you don't think tacos are amazing? SHOOT.

Human lives are worth more than that.

The hell is wrong with humanity nowadays? Why act so primitively? Like frightened animals that attack everything out of fear?

And on top of that, there are people that are saying 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings are government setups and that the victims were actors. I don't care how good your movie makeup artists are, I'm sure they can't just make your fucking leg disappear. That's computer work. And the bombing was recent. More than 25 people ended up with one or both legs amputated. Their blood was SPLATTERED on the damn asphalt! You have no fucking consideration if you have the guts to go talk like that while people are suffering and struggling to cope with their new reality. People DIED in that bombing. The nation took a hit that day. You are an asshole if you want to say that this event was "victimless." Did they want to see it with their own eyes? The carnage? It makes no sense to me.

But, as terrible as it is, I think tragedy is the best teacher. Nothing happens until something goes wrong. Altogether, I think this year and last year are some bloody violent years. Many of the years before too. Mexico goes down with drug cartel gang wars and hundreds, thousands, die. Newtown. Babies die. They were kindergarteners, just babies. Innocent children, dammit. Shows how prepared we are, doesn't it? I can just buy a big military automatic weapon, force my way into a school, and shoot everybody up. The bombing. Everything. Just so much bloody violence.

Sorry, you guys. I just really am not up for life right now. Like I mentioned, it's that "fuck this shit" attitude that's got me going, you know it. It's that feeling you get when you wait up and you just want to punch somebody and go back to sleep because you're not ready to deal with life. It's one of those days. Hell, it's been like that for quite some days now. Somebody should message me and tell me all about themselves or any random thing 'cause right now I don't have time for my own life. I'd rather listen to other people and watch movies and read books that take you away.

I can't be the only one who loses faith in humanity, right? Sometimes, I just have my doubts about people. We don't seem to be moving forward. I don't seem to be moving forward. Everything seems like a stupid cycle of going through the motions. I can't be the only one who sees this, right?
I guess it doesn't matter.

Later, my anons, the strangers that somehow manage to restore my faith in humanity, you great people. I love you guys, you know that right? Friends are family, man. Strangers are hope. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Sometimes, I wonder why people tell you that you have so much potential. They say things like, "Wow, you are so talented, you have so much potential!" and whatnot. And I wonder... is it a good thing? Does it mean anything? Everybody has potential, you see. From the moment they are born and they take that first breath, they have potential. Potential to be a doctor someday, a biochemist, a genius, a good friend, a criminal, a firefighter, a killer.... Everybody has potential, whether for good or bad. But to me, telling somebody that they have potential is like giving them an unreachable standard. Suddenly, algebra is not adequate, calculus is required. But life is full of requirements, so why should it change anything? Well, you see, there will always be people like me. People who overanalyze the situation, who think to much, who don't sleep... people who could do better... but for some reason just don't. It frustrates me sometimes that people look at me as if I'm going to grow up to be somebody really important, somebody with an abundance of talent and skill and success. They look at me like that because I have all this POTENTIAL. So.. what happens if I don't add up to all of this? What happens then?

You see, I don't think pointing out the obvious, potential, is doing anybody any favors. Nowadays, everybody is screwed over, not so much by each other as by themselves. Yeah, everybody can be better, everybody can improve... they have that potential. But how is it nice or even just considerate to go about like "Great job! You can do better?" Imagine putting your sweat and tears into a task just to have somebody tell you "you can do better" afterwards. Just no matter what "you can do better." You'd probably get pissed after a while. There's only so much inadequacy that a person can feel, after all. And who's to tell you that you are inadequate anyway? Nobody is reaching their full potential, it's just like perfection, always just a bit aways.

But maybe I'm wrong. It's possible. I mean, people do think I'm just a little bit crazy. They say it's a "good" crazy, whatever that means. But I guess I'm just weird. Not crazy, but all over the place. Euphoria one second, depression the next. Rage and anger, then contentment. Anxious, then over-confident. Yet I have all this potential. How does that work? I'm stubborn and don't like change all that much, yet people expect me to be a great success? I'd probably get a panic attack learning to drive (something I should have learned like 4 years ago), yet people see success.... I'm starting to think potential isn't all that much of a realistic goal. It includes too much. Potential extends far beyond to include too much. Everybody has the potential to be as intelligent as Einstein... but not everybody is there. If we have so much damn potential, then why isn't world hunger solved? Why isn't the economy prospering like some heavenly paradise of wealth and happiness? Why aren't we innovating? Creating? Fixing? Curing? I would think a world of potential would be making a lot more progress than this.

Maybe we're just seeing this all wrong. Expectation aren't all that bad. Potential isn't all that bad. Nothing is all that bad. But it should be regulated. Too many expectations isn't all that good, and neither is having too few. Progress would be encouraged, not expected. Nowadays, the world runs on instant-this and instant-that, instant information, the Internet. People get frustrated with a 1 minute download. A minute. One fucking minute. Is that really all that much? You've been alive for quite a number of minutes. Each hour has sixty minutes, each minute sixty seconds. Each day 24 hours. And one minute is apparently just too much. I went to Illinois once, visiting family. Basically, I had no technology with me, other than my iPod. I believe I didn't have a phone yet, or maybe it was broken, but I didn't have it. But for that time, I literally went days without updating my Facebook status. I went days without checking my email. I went days without television. And honestly, those were some pretty good days. I didn't give a fuck about the Internet. I could've watched movies, but altogether, I only watched one. I was honestly content without all of this stuff that everybody so desperately "needs." I didn't get on Tumblr, I don't even have a Tumblr. I didn't blog, this blog didn't even exist yet. The sheer thought of blogging had not even crossed my mind before.

I ate real food and I actually slept throughout the night and woke up feeling like a million bucks. I don't know all of the answers, I don't even have all of the right questions. But we're losing something. It makes me feel so ridiculously old to talk like that, like I'm a million years old and I've witnessed the generations throughout the years. But it's true, we're losing something. Maybe we're becoming desensitized to our own lives and surroundings, maybe we're becoming apathetic, ignorant, stupid, careless, lazy...etc. I don't know, maybe it's a combination of all of that. But we're all losing something, and it becomes more and more apparent in each new generation. It's kind of crazy that I'm seeing this. Shouldn't I be another generational screw-up? I shouldn't think so much, I'm starting to feel that I've already lived and I'm ready to go now. I'll be 18 soon. The age at which I magically transition into being an "adult." Yay, I can't wait to get insurances, pay off bills and mortgages, pay off college, pay taxes. Man, it even costs money to die. It's kind of funny. Having a baby in the United States costs thousands of dollars. I wasn't born in the US, I was only $150. Makes me wonder where those thousands of dollars go. I mean, what the heck did that doctor do? Farmers monitor animals giving birth and I'm sure it didn't cost them thousands of dollars in effort. The only one who is putting forward that kind of effort is the mother!

That's life, huh? It costs hundreds of dollars to go to a doctor to have them tell you nothing is wrong with you after a 10 minute examination and a 3-hour wait in the waiting room, a room that only held two other people even. It's no wonder my mother always says, "Here, in the US, you can be dying and they turn you away like nothing." In Mexico, if you pay they treat you. But also, in Mexico they are not afraid to treat you. In the US, I imagine the doctors are very afraid. Any small mistake and they end up in court. They get sued for the death of people who died of old age I bet. People here, they can never accept that it may have been that person's time to go. In Mexico, that what they say. "It was their time." But don't get me wrong. They don't do everything right in Mexico, quite obviously. You can get gunned down and nobody will be a witness. Suddenly, nobody saw anything. Your neighbor could be a murderer and everybody knows... but as soon as you ask them, no idea. They'll walk away from injustice like it's ohkay, while here in the US, people overreact and think EVERYTHING is an injustice.

But that's life, for better and worse.

PEACE OUT, mis hermanos!